Burning Season by Megan Charles

The poem "Burning Season" is sadly inspired by the many wildfires that have wrought havoc on the west coast for the past several summers. It is a rumination on how we respond to disasters like these, often naively or even carelessly. It is my hope the poem may incline the reader to reflect on their personal awareness of climate changes, how these fiery summers have become the begrudging norm, and more importantly, how we might pay attention and act going forward. What can be done, if anything, in response to such crises?

Megan Charles

Megan Charles earned her MFA from Eastern Washington University. Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, she has a deep bond to the area and it has served as the principle source of inspiration for her writing. She currently resides in Spokane, WA where she works in administration at Spokane Community Colleges.



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